Waiting for a Breakthrough

Well we are over halfway through June and the rain has just not let up this month. It must have rained 25 out of the last 30 days. The temperatures have been very cool and the courses have been a mess. There, now you have my excuse for not posting over the last month! I just haven’t had the heart or the motivation during this spell of crooked weather. The long range forecast looks much better though and I expect to get out several times over the next couple of weeks.

I’m struggling a bit with my game on the course (when I have been able to play) and on the range. I have always found the golf swing to be elusive. Here one day, gone the next but I have put in enough practice time this year that I thought I would have a more consistent action grooved by now. I’m playing off an 11 and right now I’m not sure I’ll get under 10 by season’s end let alone down to a 3!

Golf is a funny game though, you never know when you will have a breakthrough, you just have to keep going. I read an article that said your handicap doesn’t come down one stroke at a time. It comes down in plateaus. You will break through from ten to single digits and stay there for a while. Then you will drop to a five perhaps for several months (years even) and then down to scratch. That is of course if you are practicing, playing and have considerable talent for the game. I can check the first two off my list, the third remains somewhat uncertain.

Until next time you can rest assured I will be here, waiting for a breakthrough.

One Response

  1. I have heard your “kind of a big deal” in the world of golf??
    really enjoy the blogs .. love you!!

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