I Can See Clearly Now

The snow is gone….or going anyway.

Well lesson #4 is under my belt and I do believe I’m making some (albeit minor) progress with my golf swing.

My posture and grip are much improved and are now coming to me (after many repetitions) reasonably naturally. My follow through is improving although it still feels somewhat forced. These are all good signs…unfortunately…we have a fairly major problem. I can’t hit the ball.

The video analysis shows significant improvements in terms of the ‘look’ of my swing but my contact is horribly inconsistent. Check that, it is consistent, consistently horrible. My coach tells me this is normal and is attributable to the tension created by the recent changes to my swing. With time he informs me this will pass. Lets hope so, the courses could open in less than two months!

I am looking to step up my level of golf specific fitness over the next couple of weeks and will keep you posted on how that develops. I have never really gone into a season ‘golf ready’ and the first month is usually spent just getting my legs and unused swing muscles in shape rather than focusing on lowering my score. This year will be different. Honest.