The Path to Improvement

It has taken me a while but I am now much more comfortable with the changes in my golf swing.

To date we have worked on four major areas:

1. Grip

2. Posture

3. Path

4. Follow-through

Swing path has been the most difficult to correct as I had been playing with an over the top move for quite sometime. I have pretty much grooved an inside out approach to the ball over the last couple of weeks and I am now starting to draw (or hook) the ball with reasonable consistency.

My ball striking has improved significantly since first making the changes to my swing. It is probably on par (pun intended) with how I was hitting the ball before the swing changes. The good news is that this may be evidence that I am indeed on the path to improvement. Hitting balls on the range has actually been somewhat enjoyable my last couple of times out. 

I suspect my first round of golf may be played before the month is up and I am eager to see  how my winter program will translate to the course. I suspect my early scores will be off the charts but hope to have my game ‘in shape’ much earlier than usual. The goal of a reasonably low (5 or less) single digit handicap for the season remains unchanged.

 I know…GOOD LUCK!

One Response

  1. I have seen the lessons in progress and have witnessed a definite shift in the swing pattern. Michael’s rounded back is straightening out dramatically and the odd looking swing that Michael had before is looking much better! (Not that I am a pro or anything…) I’m looking forward to the first few rounds of golf to see the results of the lessons and practice sessions. Hopefully, my lessons will pay off immensely as well!

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