– 44 Degrees Celcius

A bit cold here in Calgary today.

The good news is that it means golf season isn’t quite around the corner yet. Why is this good news? Well, I’ve now made it through my second formal lesson and I am definitely going to need some time to right the ship before I actually try and play this game again.

Let’s just say there have been a few necessary adjustments that I am currently working on. Nothing major. Just my grip, posture, and follow through. Well that’s actually just the start, we haven’t gotten to my back swing, transition, or move through the ball yet.

Recent video analysis has revealed me to be the Hunch Back of Calgary a veritable ‘Quasimodo’ of the golf world. How I ‘ever’ managed to hit a golf ball with that posture is beyond me. Add in my faulty grip and poor release and I am apparently in need of a drastic and complete overhaul.

The video analysis has also revealed massive swing faults in my take away (waaaaaay inside) and a 18 inch plus loop on my way back to the ball. It was difficult to watch…I cried a little. My instructor, god bless him, did not cry. I could tell he wanted to. A consummate professional to the end. I salute you Paul.

That said…I am now convinced that I must have incredible hand eye coordination combined with amazing strength and pure athleticism to have overcome such poor fundamentals and actually hit the ball solidly from time to time. I know, what ever gets me through the day.

At some point I may (and I repeat MAY) put a ‘before & after’ video sequence on this web site to show where I started from. At this point it is just too painful for me to share and quite frankly the video would have to be rated ADULT as it truly is obscene.

The weather has driven me to get a minor golf ‘fix’ by playing Tiger Woods PGA 2008 by EA Sports on my Mac. I started as a bogey golfer and within a month I have improved to the point of generally shooting five or six under par. I have shot two rounds in the fifties (58 & 59) and I am now on the verge of moving to the PGA tour where I will chase the big money.

If only ‘real’ life could be so kind.

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